Anyoin Temple / 安养院

North Garden / 北庭

The north garden was renovated in 2021.

South Garden / 南庭

The garden of Black Pine Stage / 黑松舞台之庭

書院の南庭は、「静の庭」として、凛とした空間を演出した。 庭の東側に始まりを示す彫刻「旦」を配置し、その間を東から西へ流れる枯山水を展開することで、浄土の世界を再現している。枯山水には一般的に利用されている川砂ではなく、川石を使用することで、静かな中にも荒々しさを秘めた流れを演出した。 周囲はスナゴケを用い、高木は限られた既存樹にすることで、全体としてすっきりした庭とした。
書院の南庭は、「静の庭」として、凛とした空間を演出した。 庭の東側に始まりを示す彫刻「旦」を配置し、その間を東から西へ流れる枯山水を展開することで、浄土の世界を再現している。枯山水には一般的に利用されている川砂ではなく、川石を使用することで、静かな中にも荒々しさを秘めた流れを演出した。 周囲はスナゴケを用い、高木は限られた既存樹にすることで、全体としてすっきりした庭とした。
■North garden of “motion”
For the North Garden, the concept of "Motion” was developed by taking various forms of water based on the structure of Japanese gardens. The waterfall and its stream of water, and the pond as the background create the grace of space and express the passage of time. As to planting, the existing tall trees are preserved efficiently on the slope of the north side to let the viewer appreciates the changes of the four seasons; around the central space Shirakawa stones (locale-specific stones/minerals in Japan) and ground cover plants are employed to emphasize the stream of the waterfall. The central space is practically used as the stage for multiple events by taking advantage of its wideness.
■South garden of “Stillness”
The south garden of the “Shoin” (which means “drawing room”, a type of study alcove in traditional Japanese architecture), is created as “the garden of Stillness”. By placing the sculpture "Tang" that indicates the “beginning” in the east side and laying out the dry garden (kare-sansui, the style of Japanese garden often appears as the garden of Zen temples, expressing scenery without using water) between the east and the west it successfully reprises the world of “Jodo” in Buddhism. The river stones (stones from riverbed) are applied instead of river sand that is generally used in the Japanese garden to bring out its aspect of wildness hidden in quietness. Overall impression of the garden becomes more refined with the usage of Suna-goke (Racomitrium canescens moss) around the space and the limited number of existing tall trees.
■The garden of Black Pine Stage
The space between the architectures is called as “the Stage of Black Pine”. The granite stone which makes an effect of the mirror reflects the figure of black pine tree as if reflected on the surface of the water.
For the North Garden, the concept of "Motion” was developed by taking various forms of water based on the structure of Japanese gardens. The waterfall and its stream of water, and the pond as the background create the grace of space and express the passage of time. As to planting, the existing tall trees are preserved efficiently on the slope of the north side to let the viewer appreciates the changes of the four seasons; around the central space Shirakawa stones (locale-specific stones/minerals in Japan) and ground cover plants are employed to emphasize the stream of the waterfall. The central space is practically used as the stage for multiple events by taking advantage of its wideness.
■South garden of “Stillness”
The south garden of the “Shoin” (which means “drawing room”, a type of study alcove in traditional Japanese architecture), is created as “the garden of Stillness”. By placing the sculpture "Tang" that indicates the “beginning” in the east side and laying out the dry garden (kare-sansui, the style of Japanese garden often appears as the garden of Zen temples, expressing scenery without using water) between the east and the west it successfully reprises the world of “Jodo” in Buddhism. The river stones (stones from riverbed) are applied instead of river sand that is generally used in the Japanese garden to bring out its aspect of wildness hidden in quietness. Overall impression of the garden becomes more refined with the usage of Suna-goke (Racomitrium canescens moss) around the space and the limited number of existing tall trees.
■The garden of Black Pine Stage
The space between the architectures is called as “the Stage of Black Pine”. The granite stone which makes an effect of the mirror reflects the figure of black pine tree as if reflected on the surface of the water.
- Location:東京都 / Tokyo, JAPAN / 日本・东京