Hotel Chinzanso Tokyo / 东京椿山庄大酒店
東京都文京区に位置する椿山荘のロビー前庭のリノベーションプロジェクト。 6haを超える広大で由緒ある回遊式庭園を背景に、多様なウェディングスタイルに対応すべく石組みとウッドデッキを中心とした屋外空間を挿入しました。
It is the renovation project for the front yard by the lobby of the Hotel Chinzanso, located in Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo. With its vast and historic stroll-round garden with an area of more than 6ha in the background, we've introduced the outdoor space composed mainly of stone arrangement and wood deck to accommodate various styles of wedding ceremonies.
- LOCATION:東京都 / Tokyo, JAPAN / 日本・东京
- AREA:Approx. 1000m2