2002 Soccor World Cup Stadium area (Fukuroi-Aino Station) / 2002世界杯会场周边地区 袋井爱野站

The landscape planning as a master design for the townscape around the Aino Station area in Fukuroi city, associated with the development of 2002 World Cup Stadium. The World Cup is a major event where people gather from all over the world, providing a perfect opportunity for the Fukuroi city PR. So it is designed with the theme of making the most of individuality of the area to create distinctive streetscape ready in time for the event.
随着2002年世界杯足球场的整备工作,对袋井爱野车站周边地区的全体街道进行整体诱导的景观基本构想。 世界杯是世界各国的游客聚集的大型活动,对于袋井市也是个展现自己的绝佳机会。所以此项目的主题是既能赶上大型活动,又能创造出活用了地域个性的有特色的街道。
- LOCATION:静岡県 / Shizuoka, JAPAN / 日本・静岡
- AREA:170ha 委託者:袋井市・(財)都市づくりパブリックデザインセンター